THE PASSING OF IRVING STETNERIn the last twenty-four hours I received the sad news Noted author, artist, WWII vet, and all round mensch Irving Stetner pasted away. As we were out of touch for some time, and usually on Lower East Side Patrol the news came to me as of late as if it was yesterday, to whose family I offer my sincere condolences and respects.
Strangely I started off my email "Re: IRVING I AM SO HAPPY" because I had not realized that Irving had passed away, for which deficiency I also offer my sincere regrets to his family.
Strangely I started off my email "Re: IRVING I AM SO HAPPY" because I had not realized that Irving had passed away, for which deficiency I also offer my sincere regrets to his family.
Moments too fleeting つかの間の時余りに
Appear, disappearing 現われ、消える
Youth not noticed 気づかれない青年
Seeds beneath mud 泥の下の種
Irving was a great independent artist author, an inspiration, which the world is at a loss. For those interested I encourage those interested to kindly please visit his website http://www.strokerpress.com/ or write to:
Blue Heights 103 1230 Uchikoshi-machi, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 192-0911 Japan
email: strokerlink@beach.ocn.ne.jp
Submissions to Stroker are welcome; please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope:
----- Original Message -----
From: strokerlink@beach.ocn.ne.jp
To: Andrew Zito
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 7:12 PM
Dear Andrew Zito,
Thank you for your email to Irving,
I'm very regrettable to pass the news of his passing in 2004.
But I'm wishing you much luck with your publishing venture,
All Warm Best Wishes,
Sincerely, Mihoko Stettner
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Zito
To: strokerlink@beach.ocn.ne.jp
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 7:40 AM
Irving Stettner, having found your site online has made me very happy I HOPE AND WISH YOU DOING WELL, as from what I read at a glance you are in Japan? WoW I always thought of visiting, it is really wonderful you perhaps don't remember our meeting and conversations in Manhattan (1975-80s) from where I remember "Chocolate Babies" Some how our meeting has come to mean something more as I am living in Pennsylvania now where I am working, and learned you had lived. I would enjoy greatly meeting again which would be an honor.
Lately I've gotten the strange idea of starting a publishing house (perhaps I am insane) for which I have been placing my cranky ruff and gruff notices online, as I have received some funding, incorporated, bought equipment, and improved my credit rating (which I am maintaining.
Blue Heights 103 1230 Uchikoshi-machi, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 192-0911 Japan
email: strokerlink@beach.ocn.ne.jp
Submissions to Stroker are welcome; please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope:
----- Original Message -----
From: strokerlink@beach.ocn.ne.jp
To: Andrew Zito
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 7:12 PM
Dear Andrew Zito,
Thank you for your email to Irving,
I'm very regrettable to pass the news of his passing in 2004.
But I'm wishing you much luck with your publishing venture,
All Warm Best Wishes,
Sincerely, Mihoko Stettner
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Zito
To: strokerlink@beach.ocn.ne.jp
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 7:40 AM
Irving Stettner, having found your site online has made me very happy I HOPE AND WISH YOU DOING WELL, as from what I read at a glance you are in Japan? WoW I always thought of visiting, it is really wonderful you perhaps don't remember our meeting and conversations in Manhattan (1975-80s) from where I remember "Chocolate Babies" Some how our meeting has come to mean something more as I am living in Pennsylvania now where I am working, and learned you had lived. I would enjoy greatly meeting again which would be an honor.
Lately I've gotten the strange idea of starting a publishing house (perhaps I am insane) for which I have been placing my cranky ruff and gruff notices online, as I have received some funding, incorporated, bought equipment, and improved my credit rating (which I am maintaining.
Perhaps I am losing my mind as all I like to do is this thing they call "art" as the business bores me but as point requires me. Please tell me what you think about my business presentations as it is my goal to generate 12 authors I could publish by printing them myself (two manuscripts apiece to start) PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK perhaps I am getting prematurely old (and losing my mind) as here I have no one here, and no visitors too many Hillbillies I am told.
Peace Andrew Stergiou ***
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