Friday, February 22, 2019


In response to FEB 21, 2019 TruthDig OPINION | TD ORIGINALS The U.S.-Venezuela Aid Convoy Story Is Clearly Bogus, but No One Wants to Say It Another wasted story line by another gullible author asking the wrong questions giving the wrong narrative and referencing the wrong sources when there is a simple answer where even the great Chris Lynn Hedges is in question: America is corrupt criminal regime of the slimmest of facades where Tea Party attacks Obama as a "Socialist" where Nancy Pelosi attacks Bernie Sanders as a social-democrat "socialist" and Trump attacks Maduro (socialist) as a dictator when he Trump dictates there will be a wall even agaisnt the expressed will of Congress, and attacks Rep Alexandria Ocasio Cortez as a "socialist" though in traditional socialism one has a track record a lineage and pedigree, where Lenin was recognized as a revolutionary not just in his own right but because his brother was executed as one of the Narodnik People's Will assassins of Czar Alexander II. Lenin's brother Alexander Ulyanov. "In 1886 he became a member of the "terrorist faction", which was part of the Narodnaya Volya (People's Will) party. He was one of the authors of the party's Marxism-influenced program. Acknowledging the working class as the "nucleus of the Socialist Party", the program affirmed the revolutionary's initiative of fighting autocracy through terrorism." Lenin as his brother were revolutionaries of one sort of another and Lenin struggled as a revolution over 30 years prior to the Russian revolution they did not come as Chris Lynn Hedges did from working at the establishment NY Time Christian Science Monitor nor NPR (once part of the CIA connected Ford Foundation). Today most of society's best and brightest represents connections the elite of society itself they don't go on welfare and work as a waitress like Kathy Boudin nor others, and even then they are subject to question. Where the super majority in West Germany of the SPD and CDU lead in part to the rise of the Baader Meinof RAF group "The emergence of the Grand Coalition between the two main parties, the SPD and CDU, with former Nazi Party member Kurt Georg Kiesinger as chancellor, occurred in 1966" And when they were captured it lead to the creation of super Max Prisons to isolate prisoners while ex-Nazis were rehabilitated by the DOD and CIA that created propaganda programs like Operation Mockingbird so that they could insure the inmates of western capitalism remain dumb as they come. As the world's greatest constitutional dictatorship that has no real basis in reality as it exists based on crooked accounting ENRON and the Big Housing Bubble in what follows Hitler as he sold Volkswagen that were never delivered though they were paid for. In systemic organized theft they rob the world just as one crypto fund after another is being robbed in what was created by the NSA. So why do they lie about Maduro? Two reasons besides the fact that the Trump like the Batista Regime of Casino Capitalism is as crooked as they come: 1. President Maduro allies Venezuela with with Latin America non-aligned countries of the world and Cuba; and less importantly US Capitalism wants to steal some of the richest oil reserves. Though I generally agree with the author because Trump as the Great White As Hole didn't care about the Puerto Rican Victims of Hurricane Maria nor is if Bangladesh is submerged due to climate change he advances. Where US acts of Terrorism were carried out by those Cuban and Venezeluen Gusanos of Miami like Luis Posada Carriles who as a Cuban exile working for the CIA In Venezuela: "Posada quickly rose through the ranks of Venezuelan intelligence. He became head of the service, known as DIGEPOL and later as DISIP, in 1969.[27] The role involved countering various guerrilla movements supported by Cuba, and Posada threw himself into his work with enthusiasm. He invited Orlando Bosch, another Cuban exile who was then on parole from US Federal prison, to join his operations in Venezuela: Bosch accepted his offer in 1974, thereby violating the terms of his parole.[28] Posada was dismissed from the service in 1974 due to ideological differences with the government of Carlos Andrés Pérez". Finally I add I don't feel the Title no own in the bourgeois capitalist media who supports the WORLD'S GREATEST CONSTITUTIONAL DICTATORSHIP POLICE STATE AND GULAG wants to nor can explain why "The U.S.-Venezuela Aid Convoy Story Is Clearly Bogus" Because it hist to close to home as it explains all too much about the Republican and democratic party establishments Trump Clinton Pelosi Clinton Ted Cruz, and why this society pimps drugs, gambling, prostitution, gangsterism, usury but not if you are poor and sanctioned by the Casino Capitalist State of Trump.

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